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Dodací podmínky

(as part of the General Terms and Conditions (GTC))
  • The Seller sells its products exclusively to commercial customers and companies – NOT to private persons and/or consumers.
  • A minimum order value of € 15.00 is required. An additional fee will be charged for orders less than the € 15.00 minimum required.
  • The applicable sales price is indicated under each product.
  • The prices are quoted as net prices ex works and exclude packaging fees. The net prices are subject to statutory value added tax.
  • The packaging will be charged at cost price and will not be taken back.
  • The Seller reserves the right to require advanced payment prior to delivery. This shall apply in particular to orders placed by Customers in foreign countries and new customers.
  • If delivery is made on open account, the Customer is obligated to pay the full amount of the invoice without any deductions within 30 days of the invoice date. If payment is made within ten days of the invoice date, the Seller shall grant the Customer a 2% discount of the invoiced amount.
  • The standard shipment method is UPS-Standard.
  • Shipment fees will be invoiced to the Customer at a flat rate for the cost price (see below)
  • Shipment ex-works using your UPS customer account is also available if you provide your customer account number.
  • You can also pick up your purchases from our warehouse – Lösenbacher Landstraße 160, 58509 Lüdenscheid – Mo - Fr 8:00 – 16:00.

Dopravné v Německu Německo

Servis Paušál
UPS Standard € 5.50
UPS Express Saver € 10.00
UPS € 11.50
UPS Express € 22.00

Paušál za dodání do zahraničí UPS Standard

Země Paušál
Andorra € 24.00
Anglie € 14.50
Belgie € 11.50
Bulharsko € 20.00
Chorvatsko € 15.50
Dánsko € 11.50
Estonsko € 20.00
Finsko € 14.50
Francie € 11.50
Guernsey € 22.00
Irsko € 22.00
Itálie € 14.50
Izrael € 50.50
Jersey € 24.00
Lichtenštejnsko € 24.00
Litva € 20.00
Lotyšsko € 20.00
Lucembursko € 11.50
Maďarsko € 20.00
Monako € 14.50
Nizozemsko € 11.50
Norsko € 24.00
Polsko € 11.50
Portugalsko € 22.00
Rakousko € 11.50
Rumunsko € 20.00
San Marino € 24.00
Slovensko € 15.50
Slovinsko € 15.50
Česká republika € 11.50
Řecko € 22.00
Španělsko € 22.00
Švédsko € 14.50
Švýcarsko € 24.00
Vaše kontaktní osoba
Telefonní číslo +49 2351 65833-0
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